Kevin Montano's Portfolio

If we want users to like our software,
we should design it to behave like a likable person.
- Alan Cooper

Welcome to my portfolio website!

You'll find more about my experience and background.

Thank you for stopping by and having a look!

Picture of yourself
I'm available to assist you on your project!
HTML, CSS, and JS logos
I am a full-stack software developer,
trained in:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
Python logo
the popular programming language Python,
C# logo
C#, .NET Framework, ASP.NET, MVC,
SQL logo
back end development, databases and SQL.

Silver Laptop and White Cup on Table


I am a software developer and well I sure do enjoy programming and creating websites. When I am not coding, I am most likely reading and learning more to sharpen my programming skills or enjoying music, hiking, rollerblading and many other fun things!

I am a graduate of The Tech Academy’s Software Developer Boot Camp, and trained and experienced in the following web and programming languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, C# and more.

I am a full-stack developer and would love to work with you on your project! Contact me below.


Here are my coding projects that I have worked on so far:

My Github Repo

GitHub logo
